ARDS is diagnosed in

200,000 americans
each year

ARDS has a 40% mortality rate

What is ARDS?

ARDS is a Critical Lung Condition affecting almost 200,000 Americans each year. It causes severe lung inflammation. This results in significant breathing difficulties, often requiring ventilators for support. Despite advanced treatments, ARDS has a high mortality rate of around 40%

Watch a short presentation about ARDS:

Miles for Marybeth Ride
Saturday Aug 10, 2024

Miles for Marybeth was created to celebrate the life of Marybeth Monaghen and to raise awareness for ARDS.

Marybeth lost her battle with ARDS at the age of 36 in 1998. The ARDS Alliance was formed to help ALL those affected by ARDS. The first World ARDS Awareness Day was 8/8/22. August 8th was the day that Marybeth passed away. If you add 8-8-22 together, you come up with 38. 38 is the number of miles we will ride to remember Marybeth and also ALL those affected by ARDS.

The funds raised at this event will help the ARDS Alliance, help the ARDS Community and raise awareness for ARDS. 

Who we are

We are a network of patient-advocates, scientists, disease experts, and drug developers who have joined together to leverage our collective knowledge and resources to educate, influence policy makers and accelerate research to transform our understanding of ARDS.

What we do

Patient Engagement

We host weekly support groups with the patient community.

We are working towards a comprehensive patient registry to improve research and clinical trial participation


We host and participate in educational webinars on topics affected the ARDS Community.

We are working to expand reach of education and support through creation of educational materials.

Policy Advocacy

We lend patient voices to policy issues impacting the diagnosis and treatment of ARDS

Health Equity

We have established a grant program that provides small grants to ARDS survivors to reduce financial burden post-ARDS.

We collaborate and extend partnerships with other nonprofits, academic institutes and industry to advance ARDS treatments and care.


A virtual support
community designed
for the many people
affected by ARDS.


"The ARDS alliance is welcoming and has helped me along with a lot of other people by creating weekly zoom calls where people can connect with others who have been impacted by ARDS. I have found it beyond helpful to connect with others and not feel so alone”
Penny, ARDS Survivor
ARDS Survivor
The ARDS Alliance has given us a community of people who have a shared experience with ARDS. It has given us the opportunity to share our story with the hope of educating and spreading awareness.
Jamie Bressler
When you first get out of hospital care for ARDS you search for an understanding of what just happened. Shortly after discharge from the hospital I met Paula and she invited me to join a weekly ARDS conversation that she moderated online. It was there that I became part of a ARDS community and knew I wasn’t alone in this journey.
Darrell Raikes
ARDS Survivor/Caregiver

In Association With

Support Group

Please provide us with your first name, last name, a valid email address and your role in order to register for our support group.